Head office
Phone: +47 22 01 93 93
Email: post@norfund.no
Visiting address:
Postal address: Fritjof Nansens plass 4
Postal code: NO-0160 Oslo
Regional offices

Norfund works as a minority financial investor, and entrepreneurs or industrial investors are in the lead in our projects. We depend on strong, capable partners who share our values and goals. Norfund also relies on good relations and dialogue with several non-investor partners in the international development sector.
Active ownership
Norfund is an active investor. Our ownership will normally not exceed 35% of a company. This ensures that we support local ownership and encourage international investments, both public and private, in developing countries.
Norfund provides risk capital and competence to companies in developing countries on a commercial basis. As an active investor with a long-term investment horizon, Norfund searches continuously for relevant projects in our priority investment areas and geographies.
Partner with us
We offer risk capital and expertise to companies that meet our strategic priorities.