Transparency is essential for achieving good governance and accountability. At Norfund, we aim to be leading in our work with transparency within our operational framework. This commitment not only ensures public access to relevant information about our activities, but also fosters a stable environment for our businesses to flourish.
Our core business requires collection and management of large amounts of information belonging to the companies we invest in and with. This includes proprietary and business-sensitive information that we normally only get access to and must be protected through standard confidentiality agreements. Because of our obligations on transparency, Norfund normally secures the right to publish key information regarding our investments. We also collect data used for assessing and reporting key metrics such as the achieved developmental effects from our investments.
A key distinction in our ability to be transparent derives from the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act whereby documents relating to administrative activities in Norfund are generally available to the public domain, while documents in matters relating to financing and investment are generally not, and thereby protected from entering the public domain (搂 1 h in the ). This distinction keeps proprietary and sensitive information private, and it ensures that Norfund, as a state-owned entity, can be perceived as a trusted partner for our investees, and thus gets access to all the information needed to fulfil its mandate and secure sound investments.
Below we have listed links to information we believe it is important for the public to have access to. We also strive to answer questions from the media, civil society, and stakeholders in a comprehensive and timely manner (see contact info here).
Norfund’s investments
Our new investment overview provides detailed information about all of Norfund’s investments. The data is updated every quarter, and can be downloaded in Excel.
Annual reports and disclosures
Annual Report
Norfund publishes a comprehensive annual report where you can find updated information on our operations, impact, financial results and financial accounts, as well as gender and equality report, executive salary report and more. As part of the report, we also publish an annual report for the Climate Investment Fund.
Climate Related Financial Disclosures
Norfund reports on our work on managing climate-related risks in line with the recommendations of the Task force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The annual disclosure is available here.
Activity level data
Norfund reports on activity level data to the OECD, and the data are accessible for download from the OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) .
UN Principles for Responsible Investment
Norfund adheres top UN PRI (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment)’s six principles and reports annually to this work.
Norfund’s governance framework
Norfund has a framework consisting of several policies guiding our work, adopted by Norfund鈥檚 Board of Directors, that are available below.
General Assembly Protocols
Salary reports
Third party frameworks
Norfund has endorsed several international frameworks and initiatives, that are available below.
Norfund is a member of several important networks that support our work in sustainable development and collaboration between public and private actors:
- – A European network that promotes investments in developing countries
- – An association that strengthens business cooperation between Norway and Africa